KS B1503 Flanges

KS B1503 weld neck Flange, KS B1503 slip on Flanges Supplier, KS B1503 Plate Flange, KS B1503 16k Threaded Flanges, KS B1503 5K Socket Weld Flanges, KS B1503 Spectacle blind Flanges Manufacturer in India.

KS B1503 is a Korean industrial standard that specifies the dimensions, material requirements, and technical specifications for steel pipe flanges. B1503 flanges are typically used in piping systems for oil, gas, petrochemical, and other industrial applications.

The KS B1503 standard includes flanges with a range of sizes from 10A (3/8″) to 2500A (98″), and pressure ratings from 5K (72.5 psi) to 40K (580 psi). The standard covers both slip-on and welding neck flanges, as well as blind, socket weld, and threaded flanges.

The material requirements for KS B1503 flanges depend on the pressure rating and temperature of the piping system. Common materials used for B1503 flanges include carbon steel, stainless steel, and alloy steel.

Overall, KS B1503 flanges are designed to provide a reliable and durable connection between piping components in industrial settings, and their compliance with the KS B1503 standard ensures consistency and compatibility across different manufacturers and suppliers.

KS B1503 Flanges Supplier

Check Sizes And Dimensions Of KS B1503 Forged Flanges, Suppliers of KS B1503 Welding Neck Flange, Ready Stock of KS B1503 Socket Weld Flange, KS B1503 10k Blind Flanges, KS B1503 Ring Type Joint Orifice Flange.

KS B1503 Flange Specifications

Size Range

1/2" (15 NB) to 48" (1200NB) DN10~DN5000

Class / Pressure Rating

150#, 300#, 600#, 900#, 1500#, 2500#, PN6, PN10, PN16, PN25, PN40, PN64 etc.

Standards / Dimensions

ANSI/ASME B16.5, B16.36, B16.48, BS4504, BS 10, EN-1092, DIN, BS, GOST, MSS SP-44, ISO70051, JISB2220, BS1560-3.1, API7S-15, API7S-43, API605

Connection Type

Ring Joint Flange (RTJ), Flat Face Flange (FF), Raised Face Flange (RF), Male and Female Flange (M & F), Lap Joint Flange, Large and Small Tongue-and-Groove Flange (T & G)

KS B1503 Flanges Dimensions

KS B1503 5k Flange Dimensions KS B1503 10k Flange Dimensions
KS B1503 16k Flange Dimensions KS B1503 20k Flange Dimensions
Nominal Diameter of Flanges Outside Diameter of Flanges D flange Sectional Dimensions Size Of Bolt Welding
Diameter of Bolt Circle C Diameter Of raised Face g Inside Dia. Of Flange do Outside Diameter Of Applicable pipe t T Hub Diameter Radius r Raised Face f Hole Diameter Of H Bolt Holes Number
a b W1 W2
10 75 55 39 17.8 17.3 9 1 12 4 M10 5 2.5
15 80 60 44 22.2 21.7 9 1 12 4 M10 5 3
20 85 65 49 27.7 27.2 10 1 12 4 M10 5 3
25 95 75 59 34.5 34 10 1 12 4 M10 5 3
32 115 90 70 43.2 42.7 12 2 15 4 M12 6 3
40 120 95 75 49.1 48.6 12 2 15 4 M12 6 3
50 130 105 85 61.1 60.5 14 2 15 4 M12 6 3
65 155 130 110 77.1 76.3 14 2 15 4 M12 6 4
80 180 145 121 90 89.1 14 2 19 4 M16 6 4
90 190 155 131 102.6 101.6 14 2 19 4 M16 6 4
100 200 165 141 115.4 114.3 16 2 19 8 M16 7 4
125 235 200 176 141.2 139.8 16 2 19 8 M16 7 4
150 265 230 206 166.6 165.2 18 2 19 8 M16 7 5
175 300 260 232 192.1 190.7 18 2 23 8 M20 7.5 5
200 320 280 252 218 216.3 20 2 23 8 M20 8.5 6
225 345 305 277 243.7 241.8 20 2 23 12 M20 9 6
250 385 345 317 269.5 267.4 22 2 23 12 M20 10 6
300 430 390 360 321 318.5 22 3 23 12 M20 10 6
350 480 435 403 358.1 355.6 24 3 25 12 M22 12 7
400 540 495 463 409 406.4 24 3 25 16 M22 12 7
450 605 555 523 460 457.2 24 40 495 500 5 3 25 16 M22 12 7
500 655 605 573 511 508 24 40 546 552 5 3 25 20 M22 12 7
550 720 665 630 562 558.8 26 42 597 603 5 3 27 20 M24 12 7
600 770 715 680 613 609.6 26 44 648 654 5 3 27 20 M24 12 7
650 825 770 735 664 660.4 26 48 702 708 5 3 27 24 M24 12 7
700 875 820 785 715 711.2 26 48 751 758 5 3 27 24 M24 12 7
750 945 880 840 766 762 28 52 802 810 5 3 33 24 M30 12 7
800 995 930 890 817 812.8 28 52 854 862 5 3 33 24 M30 13 8
850 1045 980 940 868 863.6 28 54 904 912 5 3 33 24 M30 13 8
900 1095 1030 990 919 914.4 30 56 956 964 5 3 33 24 M30 13 8
1000 1195 1130 1090 1021 1016 32 60 1058 1066 5 3 33 28 M30 14 9
*(1100) 1305 1240 1200 1123 1117.6 32 3 33 28 M30    
*1200 1420 1350 1305 1225 1219.2 34 3 33 32 M30    
*1350 1575 1505 1460 1371.6 34 3 33 32 M30    
*1500 1730 1660 1615 1524 36 3 33 36 M30    
Nominal Diameter of Flanges Outside Diameter of Flanges D flange Sectional Dimensions Size Of Bolt Welding
Diameter of Bolt Circle C Diameter Of raised Face g Inside DaimeterOf Flange do O.D. Of Applicable pipe t T Hub Diameter Radius r Raised Face f Hole Diameter Of H Bolt Holes Number
a b W1 W2
10 90 65 46 17.8 17.3 12 1 15 4 M12 5 2.5
15 95 70 51 22.2 21.7 12 1 15 4 M12 5 3
20 100 75 56 27.7 27.2 14 1 15 4 M12 5 3
25 125 90 67 34.5 34 14 1 19 4 M16 5 3
32 135 100 76 43.2 42.7 16 2 19 4 M16 6 3
40 140 105 81 49.1 48.6 16 2 19 4 M16 6 3
50 155 120 96 61.1 60.5 16 2 19 4 M16 6 3
65 175 140 116 77.1 76.3 18 2 19 4 M16 6.5 4
80 185 150 126 90 89.1 18 2 19 8 M16 6.5 4
-90 195 160 136 102.6 101.6 18 2 19 8 M16 6.5 4
100 210 175 151 115.4 114.3 18 2 19 8 M16 7 4
125 250 210 182 141.2 139.8 20 2 23 8 M20 7.5 4
150 280 240 212 166.6 165.2 22 2 23 8 M20 8 5
-175 305 265 237 192.1 190.7 22 2 23 12 M20 9 5
200 330 290 262 218 216.3 22 2 23 12 M20 9 6
-255 350 310 282 243.7 241.8 22 2 23 12 M20 9 6
250 400 355 324 269.5 267.4 24 36 288 292 6 2 25 12 M22 10 6
300 445 400 368 321 318.5 24 38 340 346 6 3 25 16 M22 10 6
350 490 445 413 358.1 355.6 26 42 380 386 6 3 25 16 M22 12 7
400 560 510 475 409 406.4 28 44 436 442 6 3 27 16 M24 12 7
450 620 565 530 460 457.2 30 48 496 502 6 3 27 20 M24 14 8
500 675 620 585 511 508 30 48 548 554 6 3 27 20 M24 14 8
550 745 680 640 562 558.8 32 52 604 610 6 3 33 20 M30 15 9
600 795 730 690 613 609.6 32 52 656 662 6 3 33 24 M30 16 10
650 845 780 740 664 660.4 34 56 706 712 6 3 33 24 M30 16 10
700 905 840 800 715 711.2 34 58 762 770 6 3 33 24 M30 17 10
750 970 900 855 766 762 36 62 816 824 6 3 33 24 M30 18 11
800 1020 950 905 817 812.8 36 64 868 876 6 3 33 28 M30 19 12
-850 1070 1000 955 868 863.6 36 66 920 928 6 3 33 28 M30 19 12
900 1120 1050 1005 919 914.4 38 70 971 979 6 3 33 28 M30 22 14
1000 1235 1160 1110 1021 1016 40 74 1073 1081 6 3 39 28 M36 22 14
*(1100) 1345 1270 1220 1123 1117.6 42 3 39 28 M36    
*1200 1465 1380 1325 1225 1219.2 44 3 39 32 M36
*1350 1630 1540 1480 1371.6 48 3 45 36 M42    
*1500 1795 1700 1635 1524 50 3 45 40 M42

Find the largest ready stock of KS B1503 Flanges, KS B1503 Flange Price List, KS B1503 2k RF Flanges Supplier, KS B1503 Reducing Flanges Stockist, KS B1503 Slip On Flanges Dealer, Check Availability of KS B1503 Threaded Flanges, KS B1503 Forged Flanges in Mumbai, India.

Nominal Diameter of Flanges Outside Diameter of Flanges D flange Sectional Dimensions Size Of Bolt
Diameter of Bolt Circle C Diameter Of raised Face g Inside DaimeterOf Flange do O.D. Of Applicable pipe t T Hub Diameter Radius r Raised Face f Hole Diameter Of H Bolt Holes Number
a b
10 90 65 46 17.8 17.3 12 16 26 28 4 1 15 4 M12
15 95 70 51 22.2 21.7 12 16 30 32 4 1 15 4 M12
20 100 75 56 27.7 27..2 14 20 38 42 4 1 15 4 M12
25 125 90 67 34.5 34 14 20 46 50 4 1 19 4 M16
32 135 100 76 43.2 42.7 16 22 56 60 5 2 19 4 M16
40 140 105 81 49.1 48.6 16 24 62 66 5 2 19 4 M16
50 155 120 96 61.1 60.5 16 24 76 80 5 2 19 8 M16
65 175 140 116 77.1 76.3 18 26 94 98 5 2 19 8 M16
80 200 160 132 90 89.1 20 28 108 112 6 2 23 8 M20
-90 210 170 145 102.6 101.6 20 30 120 124 6 2 23 8 M20
100 225 185 160 115.4 114.3 22 34 134 138 6 2 23 8 M20
125 270 225 195 141.2 139.8 22 34 164 170 6 2 25 8 M22
150 305 260 230 166.6 165.2 24 38 196 202 6 2 25 12 M22
200 350 305 275 218 216.3 26 40 244 252 6 2 25 12 M22
250 430 380 345 269.5 267.4 28 44 304 312 6 2 27 12 M24
300 480 430 395 321 318.5 30 48 354 364 8 3 27 16 M24
350 540 480 440 358.1 355.6 34 52 398 408 8 3 33 16 M30X3
400 605 540 495 409 406.4 38 60 446 456 10 3 33 16 M30X3
450 675 605 560 460 457.2 40 64 504 514 10 3 33 20 M30X3
500 730 660 615 511 508 42 68 558 568 10 3 33 20 M30X3
-550 795 720 670 562 558.8 44 70 612 622 10 3 39 20 M36X3
600 845 770 720 613 609.6 46 74 666 676 10 3 39 24 M36X3
-650 895 820 770 664 660.4 48 77 704 726 10 5 39 24 M36X3
700 960 875 820 715 711.2 50 80 754 776 10 5 42 24 M39X3
-750 1020 935 880 766 762 52 83 806 832 10 5 42 24 M39X3
800 1085 990 930 817 812.8 54 86 865 885 10 5 48 24 M45X3
-850 1135 1040 980 868 863.6 56 89 916 936 10 5 48 24 M45X3
900 1185 1090 1030 919 914.4 58 93 968 986 10 5 48 28 M45X3
1000 1320 1210 1140 1021 1016 62 99 1070 1098 12 5 56 28 M52X3
-1100 1420 1310 1240 1123 1117.6 66 105 1180 1200 12 5 56 32 M52X3
1200 1530 1420 1350 1225 1219.2 70 112 1282 1302 12 5 56 32 M52X3
Nominal Diameter of Flanges Outside Diameter of Flanges D flange Sectional Dimensions Reference
Diameter of Bolt Circle C Diameter Of raised Face g Inside DaimeterOf Flanges do O.D. of Steel pipe t T Hub Diameter Radius r f D Bolt Holes Number Holes Dia. H SIZE Of Bolt S1 M S2 N L
a b
10 90 65 46 17.8 17.3 14 20 30 32 4 1 4 15 M12 27 4 27 4
15 95 70 51 22.2 21.7 14 20 34 36 4 1 4 15 M12 31 4 31 4
20 100 75 56 27.7 27.2 16 22 40 42 4 1 4 15 M12 37 4 37 4
25 125 90 67 34.5 34 16 24 48 50 4 1   4 19 M16 44 4 44 4.5
32 135 100 76 43.2 42.7 18 26 56 60 5 2 4 19 M16 52 4 53 5
40 140 105 81 49.1 48.6 18 26 62 66 5 2 4 19 M16 58 4 59 5.5
50 155 120 96 61.1 60.5 18 26 76 80 5 2 8 19 M16 70 4 72 5.5
65 175 140 116 77.7 76.3 20 30 100 104 5 2 65.9 8 19 M16 94 6 6
80 200 160 132 90 89.1 22 34 113 117 6 2 78.1 8 23 M20 107 6 6
-90 210 170 145 102.6 101.6 24 36 126 130 6 2 90.2 8 23 M20 120 6 6
100 225 185 160 115.4 114.3 24 36 138 142 6 2 102.3 8 23 M20 132 6 6
125 270 225 195 141.2 139.8 26 40 166 172 6 2 126.6 8 25 M22 160 7 6
150 305 260 230 166.6 165.2 28 42 196 202 6 2 151 12 25 M22 186 8 6
200 350 305 275 218 216.3 30 46 244 252 6 2 199.9 12 25 M22 237 9 6
250 430 380 345 269.5 267.4 34 52 304 312 6 2 248.8 12 27 M24 290 10 6
300 480 430 395 321 318.5 36 56 354 364 8 3 297.9 16 27 M24 345 11 6
350 540 480 440 358.1 355.6 40 62 398 408 8 3 333.4 16 33 M30X3 384 12 6
400 605 540 495 409 406.4 46 70 446 456 10 3 381 16 33 M30X3 437 13 7
450 675 605 560 460 457.2 48 78 504 514 10 3 431.8 20 33 M30X3 490 15 7
500 730 660 615 511 508 50 84 558 568 10 3 482.6 20 33 M30X3 544 16 7
-550 795 720 670 562 558.8 52 90 612 622 10 3 533.4 20 39 M36X3 595 16 7
600 845 770 720 613 609.6 54 96 666 676 10 3 584.2 24 39 M36X3 646 18 7
*650 945 850 790 664 660.4 60         5   24 48 M45X3          
*700 995 900 840 715 711.2 64         5   24 48 M45X3          
*750 1080 970 900 766 762 68         5   24 56 M52X3          
*800 1140 1030 960 817 812.8 72         5   24 56 M52X3          
*850 1200 1090 1020 868 863.6 74         5   24 56 M52X3          
*900 1250 1140 1070 919 914.4 76         5   28 56 M52X3          

KS B1503 Flanges Schedule Chart

Standard Of Flanges Class Of Flanges Diameter Of Flanges Bolt Circle Diameter Of Flanges Number of Bolts Of Flanges Bolt Size Of Flanges Bolt Hole Diameter
AS4087 Flanges PN14 Flanges 95 67 4 M12 14
AS 2129 Flange Table C Flanges 95 67 4 13 14
Table D Flanges 95 67 4 13 14
Table E Flanges 95 67 4 13 14
Table F Flanges 95 67 4 13 14
Table H Flanges 114 83 4 16 17
Table J Flanges 114 83 4 16 17
ANSI B16.5 Flanges ANSI 150 Flanges 89 60 4 13 16
ANSI 300 Flanges 95 67 4 13 16
ANSI 600 Flanges 95 67 4 13 16
ANSI 900 Flanges 121 83 4 19 22
ANSI 1500 Flanges 121 83 4 19 22
ISO 7005 (DIN) Flange PN6 Flanges 80 55 4 M10 11
PN10 Flanges 95 65 4 M12 14
PN16 Flanges 95 65 4 M12 14
PN20 Flanges 90 60.5 4 M14 16
PN25 Flanges 95 65 4 M12 14
PN40 Flanges 95 65 4 M12 14

KS B1503 10k-16k Flanges Thickness

Gost 33259 Flange Wall Thickness
NPS (Normal Pipe Sizes) Outside Daimeter (O.D.) Schedule 10 Schedule 20 Schedule 30 STD Wall Schedule 40 Schedule 60 EXT Hvy Schedule 80 Schedule 100 Schedule 120 Schedule 140 Schedule 160 XX Hvy
½ 0.84 0.083 0.109 0.109 0.147 0.147 0.188 0.294
¾ 1.05 0.083 0.113 0.113 0.154 0.154 0.219 0.308
1 1.315 0.109 0.133 0.133 0.179 0.179 0.25 0.358
1 ¼ 1.66 0.109 0.14 0.14 0.191 0.191 0.25 0.382
1 ½ 1.9 0.109 0.145 0.145 0.2 0.2 0.281 0.4
2 2.375 0.109 0.154 0.154 0.218 0.218 0.344 0.436
2 ½ 2.875 0.12 0.203 0.203 0.276 0.276 0.375 0.552
3 3.5 0.12 0.216 0.216 0.3 0.3 0.438 0.6
3 ½ 4 0.12 0.226 0.226 0.318 0.318 0.636
4 4.5 0.12 0.237 0.237 0.337 0.337 0.438 0.531 0.674
5 5.563 0.134 0.258 0.258 0.375 0.375 0.5 0.625 0.75
6 6.625 0.134 0.28 0.28 0.432 0.432 0.562 0.719 0.864
8 8.625 0.148 0.25 0.277 0.322 0.322 0.406 0.5 0.5 0.594 0.719 0.812 0.906 0.875
10 10.75 0.165 0.25 0.307 0.365 0.365 0.5 0.5 0.594 0.719 0.844 1 1.125 1
12 12.75 0.18 0.25 0.33 0.375 0.406 0.562 0.5 0.688 0.844 1 1.125 1.312 1
14 14 0.25 0.312 0.375 0.375 0.438 0.594 0.5 0.75 0.938 1.094 1.25 1.406
16 16 0.25 0.312 0.375 0.375 0.5 0.656 0.5 0.844 1.031 1.219 1.438 1.594
18 18 0.25 0.312 0.438 0.375 0.562 0.75 0.5 0.938 1.156 1.375 1.562 1.781
20 20 0.25 0.375 0.5 0.375 0.594 0.812 0.5 1.031 1.281 1.5 1.75 1.969
22 22 0.25 0.375 0.5 …. …. …. ….
24 24 0.25 0.375 0.562 0.375 0.688 0.969 0.5 1.219 1.531 1.812 2.062 2.344 ….
26 26 …. …. …. 0.375 …. …. 0.5 …. …. …. …. …. ….
30 30 0.312 0.5 0.625 0.375 …. …. 0.5 …. …. …. …. …. ….
36 36 0.312 0.5 0.625 0.375 0.75 …. 0.5 …. …. …. …. …. ….
40 40 …. …. …. 0.375 …. …. 0.5 …. …. …. …. …. ….
42 42 …….. …….. …….. 0.375 …….. …….. 0.5 …….. …….. …….. …….. …….. ……..
48 48 …….. …….. …….. 0.375 …….. …….. 0.5 …….. …….. …….. …….. …….. ……..

KS B1503 Flanges Pressure Rating

Gost 12820 Flange Pressure Pressure
Temperature (°C)
Class 150 Class 300 Class 400 Class 600 Class 900 Class 1500 Class 2500
-29 – 38 19.8 51.7 68.9 103.4 155 259 431
50 19.5 51.7 68.9 103.4 155 259 431
100 17.7 51.5 68.7 103.0 155 258 429
150 15.8 50.2 66.8 100.3 151 251 418
200 13.8 48.6 64.8 97.2 146 243 405
250 12.1 46.3 61.7 92.7 139 232 386
300 10.2 42.9 57.0 85.7 129 214 357
325 9.3 41.4 55.0 82.6 124 207 344
350 8.4 40.0 53.4 80.0 120 200 334
375 7.4 37.8 50.4 75.7 114 189 315
400 6.5 34.7 46.3 69.4 104 174 290
425 5.5 28.8 38.4 57.5 86.3 144 240
450 4.6 23.0 30.7 46.0 69.0 115 192
475 3.7 17.1 22.8 34.2 51.3 85.4 142
500 2.8 11.6 15.4 23.2 34.7 57.9 96.5
538 1.4 5.9 7.9 11.8 17.7 29.5 49.2

KS B1503 Flanges Bolt Chart

Class 150 Flanges Class 300 Flanges Class 600 Flanges
NPS # Bolts And Studs Diameter of Bolts And Studs Stud Length # Bolts And Studs Diameter of Bolts And Studs Stud Length # Bolts And Studs Diameter of Bolts And Studs Stud Length
1/16 RF RTJ 1/16 RF RTJ 1/4 RF RTJ
1/2 4 0.50 2-1/4 4 0.50 2-1/2 3 4 0.50 3 3
3/4 4 0.50 2-1/2 4 0.63 3 3-1/2 4 0.63 3-1/2 3-1/2
1 4 0.50 2-1/2 3 4 0.63 3 3-1/2 4 0.63 3-1/2 3-1/2
1-1/4 4 0.50 2-3/4 3-1/4 4 0.63 3-1/4 3-3/4 4 0.63 3-3/4 3-3/4
1-1/2 4 0.50 2-3/4 3-1/4 4 0.75 3-1/2 4 4 0.75 4-1/4 4-1/4
2 4 0.63 3-1/4 3-3/4 8 0.63 3-1/2 4 8 0.63 4-1/4 4-1/4
2-1/2 4 0.63 3-1/2 4 8 0.75 4 4-1/2 8 0.75 4-3/4 4-3/4
3 4 0.63 3-1/2 4 8 0.75 4-1/4 4-3/4 8 0.75 5 5
3-1/2 8 0.63 3-1/2 4 8 0.75 4-1/4 5 8 0.88 5-1/2 5-1/2
4 8 0.63 3-1/2 4 8 0.75 4-1/2 5 8 0.88 5-3/4 5-3/4
5 8 0.75 3-3/4 4-1/4 8 0.75 4-3/4 5-1/4 8 1.00 6-1/2 6-1/2
6 8 0.75 4 4-1/2 12 0.75 4-3/4 5-1/2 12 1.00 6-3/4 6-3/4
8 8 0.75 4-1/4 4-3/4 12 0.88 5-1/2 6 12 1.13 7-1/2 7-3/4
10 12 0.88 4-1/2 5 16 1.00 6-1/4 6-3/4 16 1.25 8-1/2 8-1/2
12 12 0.88 4-3/4 5-1/4 16 1.13 6-3/4 7-1/4 20 1.25 8-3/4 8-3/4
14 12 1.00 5-1/4 5-3/4 20 1.13 7 7-1/2 20 1.38 9-1/4 9-1/4
16 16 1.00 5-1/4 5-3/4 20 1.25 7-1/2 8 20 1.50 10 10
18 16 1.13 5-3/4 6-1/4 24 1.25 7-3/4 8-1/4 20 1.63 10-3/4 10-3/4
20 20 1.13 6-1/4 6-3/4 24 1.25 8 8-3/4 24 1.63 11-1/4 11-1/2
24 20 1.25 6-3/4 7-1/4 24 1.50 9 10 24 1.88 13 13-1/4

Best quality KS B1503 Flanges, KS B1503  Flanges Price, KS B1503 Nipoflange, KS B1503 Groove Flange, KS B1503 Square Flange, KS B1503 Weldoflange, KS B1503 Flanges Facing Type & Finish, View Specification Of KS B1503 Orifice Flange, KS B1503 langes Raised Face, KS B1503 RTJ Flange, KS B1503 Expander Flanges at Best Price.

KS B1503 Flanges Applications

Australia, Afghanistan, Algeria, Angola, Argentina, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Benin,
Bhutan, Botswana, Brazil, Brunei, Burkina Faso, Cambodia, Cameroon, Canada, Central Africa Republic,
Chad, Chile, Colombia, Cuba, Cyprus, DRC, Djibouti, Egypt, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Eswatini,
Ethiopia, Fiji, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Ghana, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Indonesia, Iran,
Iraq, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Lebanon,
Lesotho, Liberia, Libya, Lithuania, Madagascar, Malawi, Malaysia, Maldives, Mali, Mexico, Morocco,
Mozambique, Mauritania, Myanmar, Namibia, Nepal, Netherlands, New Zealand, Nigeria, Norway, Oman,
Panama, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Palestine, Qatar, Russia, Rwanda, Romania, Saudi Arabia,
Senegal, Sierra Leone, Singapore, Slovakia, Somalia, South Africa, South Korea, South Sudan, Spain,
Sri Lanka, Sweden, Switzerland, Syria, Taiwan, Tajikistan, Tanzania, Tasmania, Thailand, The Gambia,
Timor-Leste, Togo, Tunisia, Turkey, Turkiye, Turkmenistan, Uganda, Uzbekistan, United Arab Emirates (UAE),
United Kingdom (UK), United States (US), Venezuela, Vietnam, Yemen, Zambia, Zimbabwe

Abu Dhabi, Amsterdam, Abuja, Accra, Addis Ababa, Ahmedabad, Algiers, Amman, Ankara, Antananarivo,
Ashgabat, Asmara, Astana, Athens, Baghdad, Baku, Bamako, Bandar Seri Begawan, Bangkok, Bangui,
Banjul, Beirut, Bengaluru, Berlin, Bishkek, Bloemfontein, Bogotá, Bern, Brasília, Bratislava,
Bucharest, Budapest, Buenos Aires, Cairo, Canberra, Cape Town, Caracas, Chennai, Coimbatore, Dakar,
Damascus, Dhaka, Dili, Djibouti city, Dodoma, Doha, Dublin, Dushanbe, Freetown, Gaborone, Ghaziabad,
Guwahati, Hanoi, Harare, Havana, Helsinki, Hobart, Hyderabad, Indore, Jaipur, Jakarta, Jerusalem,
Juba, Jurong East, Kabul, Kampala, Kanpur, Kathmandu, Kigali, Kinshasa, Kochi, Kolkata, Kuala Lumpur,
Kuwait City, Lisbon, Lilongwe, Lima, Lobamba, Lomé, London, Luanda, Lucknow, Lusaka, Malabo, Madrid,
Malé, Mexico City, Manama, Moscow, Manila, Maputo, Maseru, Mbabane, Mogadishu, Monrovia, Mumabi,
Muscat, Nagpur, Nairobi, New Delhi, Niamey, Nicosia, Noida, Nouakchott, N’Djamena, Oslo, Ottawa,
Ouagadougou, Panama City, Paris, Patna, Phnom Penh, Porto-Novo, Pretoria, Pune, Rabat, Reykjavík,
Riyadh, Rome, Sana’a, Santiago, Sri Jayawardenepura Kotte, Stockholm, Seoul, Singapore, Surat,
Suva, Taipei City, Tashkent, Tokyo, Tbilisi, Tehran, Thimphu, Tripoli, Tunis, Vientiane, Vilnius,
Visakhapatnam, Warsaw, Washington D.C., Wellington, Windhoek, Yaoundé, Yerevan, Naypyidaw

KS B1503 Flanges Price

Omaa Metal Sources is KS B1503 Flanges Exporters and Suppliers in the US, UK, South Africa, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, UAE, Oman, South Korea, Turkey, Bahrain, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand, Norway, Indonesia, Iraq, Yemen, Bangladesh, Nigeria, Egypt, Peru, Ghana, Morocco, Etc.

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