AWWA Flanges

AWWA slip on Flanges Supplier, AWWA C207 Socket Weld Flanges, AWWA weld neck Flange, AWWA C207 Class D Threaded Flanges, AWWA Plate Flange, AWWA Spectacle blind Flanges Manufacturer in India.

AWWA stands for American Water Works Association, which is a nonprofit organization that provides standards, education, and advocacy for the water industry in the United States. AWWA has developed several standards for the water industry, including standards for flanges used in waterworks applications.

The AWWA C207 standard covers steel pipe flanges for waterworks service, and it includes two types of flanges: ring-type and hub-type. The standard covers flanges in sizes from 4 inches to 144 inches and in pressure classes ranging from 75 psi to 400 psi.

Ring-type flanges have a raised ring on their face, which provides a seating surface for the gasket. Hub-type flanges have a raised face on their outside diameter, which provides a seating surface for the gasket.

The AWWA C207 standard also includes material specifications for the flanges, which are typically made from carbon steel, stainless steel, or ductile iron. The standard specifies the chemical composition, mechanical properties, and testing requirements for the materials.

Overall, the AWWA C207 standard provides a comprehensive set of requirements for flanges used in waterworks applications, ensuring that they are designed and manufactured to meet the specific needs of the water industry.

AWWA Flanges Supplier

Ready Stock of AWWA C207 Socket Weld Flange, AWWA Class B Blind Flanges, Check Sizes And Dimensions Of AWWA Forged Flanges, Suppliers of AWWA Welding Neck Flange, AWWA Ring Type Joint Orifice Flange.

AWWA Flange Specifications

Size Range

1/2" (15 NB) to 48" (1200NB) DN10~DN5000

Class / Pressure Rating

150#, 300#, 600#, 900#, 1500#, 2500#, PN6, PN10, PN16, PN25, PN40, PN64 etc.

Standards / Dimensions

ANSI/ASME B16.5, B16.36, B16.48, BS4504, BS 10, EN-1092, DIN, BS, GOST, MSS SP-44, ISO70051, JISB2220, BS1560-3.1, API7S-15, API7S-43, API605

Connection Type

Ring Joint Flange (RTJ), Flat Face Flange (FF), Raised Face Flange (RF), Male and Female Flange (M & F), Lap Joint Flange, Large and Small Tongue-and-Groove Flange (T & G)

AWWA Flanges Dimensions

AWWA Flange Dimensions AWWA C207 Class B Flange Dimensions In MM AWWA C207 125 Low Class B, D Flange Dimensions AWWA C207 125 Low Class E Flange Dimensions
C207 Class D Hub Flange Dimensions & Approximate Masses AWWA C207 Class E Hub Flange Dimensions C207 Class B Ring Flange Dimensions & Approximate Masses C207 Class D Ring Flange Dimensions & Approximate Masses
C207 Class E Steel Ring Flange Dimensions & Approximate Masses AWWA C207 Class F Ring Flange Dimensions
Nom Size Thickness Drilling Weight
OD Slip-On Blind Bore Bolt Circle Hole Dia No. Holes Slip-on Blind
4 10.00 1.130 1.130 4.57 7.88 0.875 8 18 25
6 12.50 1.310 1.310 6.73 10.62 0.875 12 30 46
5 11.00 1.210 1.210 5.66 9.25 0.875 8 22 33
8 15.00 1.310 1.310 8.73 13.00 1.000 12 40 66
12 20.50 1.630 1.630 12.88 17.75 1.250 16 83 152
10 17.50 1.500 1.500 10.88 15.25 1.125 16 56 102
14 23.00 1.940 1.940 14.19 20.25 1.250 20 128 228
18 28.00 2.250 2.250 18.19 24.75 1.375 24 204 392
16 25.50 2.140 2.140 16.19 22.50 1.375 20 167 310
20 30.50 2.330 2.330 20.19 27.00 1.375 24 247 482
24 36.00 2.690 2.690 24.19 32.00 1.625 24 388 776
22 33.00 2.500 2.500 22.19 29.25 1.375 24 307 606
26 38.25 3.000 3.000 26.19 34.50 1.875 28 451 977
30 43.00 3.150 3.166 30.19 39.25 1.875 28 586 1303
28 40.75 3.130 3.130 28.19 37.00 1.875 28 532 1156
32 45.25 3.250 3.332 32.19 41.50 1.875 28 657 1518
36 50.00 3.460 3.671 36.19 46.00 2.125 32 802 2042
34 47.50 3.380 3.475 34.19 43.50 1.875 28 741 1745
38 52.25 3.500 3.815 38.19 48.00 2.125 32 874 2317
42 57.00 3.810 4.171 42.19 52.75 2.125 36 1103 3015
40 54.25 3.630 3.982 40.19 50.25 2.125 36 937 2608
44 59.25 4.000 4.338 44.19 55.00 2.125 36 1237 3388
48 65.00 4.500 4.781 48.19 60.75 2.125 40 1718 4494
46 61.50 4.130 4.505 46.19 57.25 2.125 40 1344 3791
NPS (Normal Pipe Size) Thickness Drilling Weight In KG
Outside Daimeter SORF BLRF AWWA C207 Bore AWWA C207 Bolt Circle AWWA C207 Hole Dia AWWA C207 Number Holes SORF BLRF
4 9.00 0.625 0.625 4.57 7.50 0.750 8 8 11
5 10.00 0.625 0.625 5.66 8.50 0.875 8 9 14
6 11.00 0.688 0.688 6.72 9.50 0.875 8 11 19
8 13.50 0.688 0.688 8.72 11.75 0.875 8 15 28
10 16.00 0.688 0.688 10.88 14.25 1.000 12 19 39
12 19.00 0.688 0.719 12.88 17.00 1.000 12 28 58
14 21.00 0.688 0.791 14.19 18.75 1.125 12 34 78
16 23.50 0.688 0.892 16.19 21.25 1.125 16 41 110
18 25.00 0.688 0.950 18.19 22.75 1.250 16 41 132
20 27.50 0.688 1.040 20.19 25.00 1.250 20 49 175
22 29.50 0.750 1.132 22.19 27.25 1.375 20 57 219
24 32.00 0.750 1.216 24.19 29.50 1.375 20 67 277
26 34.25 0.812 1.307 26.19 31.75 1.375 24 80 341
28 36.50 0.875 1.398 28.19 34.00 1.375 28 94 414
30 38.75 0.875 1.477 30.19 36.00 1.375 28 105 493
32 41.75 0.936 1.581 32.19 38.50 1.625 28 132 613
34 43.75 0.938 1.661 34.19 40.50 1.625 32 137 707
36 46.00 1.000 1.751 36.19 42.75 1.625 32 161 824
38 48.75 1.000 1.853 38.19 45.25 1.625 32 185 980
40 50.75 1.000 1.933 40.19 47.25 1.625 36 193 1108
42 53.00 1.125 2.023 42.19 49.50 1.625 36 234 1264
44 55.25 1.125 2.114 44.19 51.75 1.625 40 249 1436
46 57.25 1.125 2.194 46.19 53.75 1.625 40 260 1600
48 59.50 1.250 2.285 48.19 56.00 1.625 44 306 1800
50 61.75 1.250 2.377 50.19 58.25 1.875 44 317 2017
52 64.00 1.250 2.468 52.19 60.50 1.875 44 339 2249
54 66.25 1.375 2.559 54.19 62.75 1.875 44 397 2499
60 73.00 1.500 2.820 60.19 69.25 1.875 52 508 3344
66 80.00 1.625 3.092 66.19 76.00 1.875 52 664 4403
72 86.50 1.750 3.353 72.19 82.50 1.875 60 802 5582
78 93.00 2.000 78.19 89.00 2.125 64 1000
84 99.75 2.000 84.19 95.50 2.125 64 1145
90 106.50 2.250 90.19 102.00 2.438 68 1404
96 113.25 2.250 96.19 108.50 2.438 68 1586
102 120.00 2.500 102.19 114.50 2.688 72 1912
108 126.75 2.500 108.19 120.75 2.688 72 2136
114 133.50 2.750 114.19 126.75 2.938 76 2525
120 140.25 2.750 120.19 132.75 2.938 76 2795
126 147.00 3.000 126.19 139.25 3.188 80 3252
132 153.75 3.000 132.19 145.75 3.188 80 3572
138 160.50 3.250 138.19 152.00 3.438 84 4101
144 167.25 3.250 144.19 158.25 3.438 84 4475
Nom Size Drilling
OD Thickness Overall Thickness Dia at Base Bore Bolt Circle Hole Dia No. Holes Weight
4 9.00 0.938 1.312 5.312 4.57 7.50 0.750 8 13
5 10.00 0.938 1.438 6.438 5.66 8.50 0.875 8 14
6 11.00 1.000 1.562 7.562 6.72 9.50 0.875 8 17
8 13.50 1.125 1.750 9.688 8.72 11.75 0.875 8 28
10 16.00 1.188 1.938 12.000 10.88 14.25 1.000 12 37
12 19.00 1.250 2.188 14.375 12.88 17.00 1.000 12 59
14 21.00 1.375 2.250 15.750 14.19 18.75 1.125 12 78
16 23.50 1.438 2.500 18.000 16.19 21.25 1.125 16 101
18 25.00 1.562 2.688 19.875 18.19 22.75 1.250 16 110
20 27.50 1.688 2.875 22.000 20.19 25.00 1.250 20 139
22 29.50 1.812 3.125 24.000 22.19 27.25 1.375 20 162
24 32.00 1.875 3.250 26.125 24.19 29.50 1.375 20 197
26 34.25 2.000 3.375 28.500 26.19 31.75 1.375 24 235
28 36.50 2.062 3.438 30.750 28.19 34.00 1.375 28 269
30 38.75 2.125 3.500 32.750 30.19 36.00 1.375 28 303
32 41.75 2.250 3.625 35.000 32.19 38.50 1.625 28 375
34 43.75 2.312 3.688 37.000 34.19 40.50 1.625 32 401
36 46.00 2.375 3.750 39.250 36.19 42.75 1.625 32 452
38 48.75 2.375 3.750 41.750 38.19 45.25 1.625 32 528
40 50.75 2.500 3.875 43.750 40.19 47.25 1.625 36 573
42 53.00 2.625 4.000 46.000 42.19 49.50 1.625 36 648
44 55.25 2.625 4.000 48.000 44.19 51.75 1.625 40 688
46 57.25 2.688 4.062 50.000 46.19 53.75 1.625 40 733
48 59.50 2.750 4.125 52.250 48.19 56.00 1.625 44 799
50 61.75 2.750 4.125 54.250 50.19 58.25 1.875 44 827
52 64.00 2.875 4.250 56.500 52.19 60.50 1.875 44 922
54 66.25 3.000 4.375 58.750 54.19 62.75 1.875 44 1024
60 73.00 3.125 4.500 65.250 60.19 69.25 1.875 52 1253
66 80.00 3.375 4.875 71.500 66.19 76.00 1.875 52 1623
72 86.50 3.500 5.000 78.500 72.19 82.50 1.875 60 1922
78 93.00 3.875 5.375 84.500 78.19 89.00 2.125 64 2279
84 99.75 3.875 5.375 90.500 84.19 95.50 2.125 64 2586
90 106.50 4.250 5.750 96.750 90.19 102.00 2.438 68 3061
96 113.25 4.250 5.750 102.750 96.19 108.50 2.438 68 3432
Nom Size Drilling
OD Thickness Overall Thickness Dia at Base Bore Bolt Circle Hole Dia No. Holes Weight
4 9.00 0.938 1.312 5.312 4.57 7.50 0.750 8 13
5 10.00 0.938 1.438 6.438 5.66 8.50 0.875 8 14
6 11.00 1.000 1.562 7.562 6.72 9.50 0.875 8 17
8 13.50 1.125 1.750 9.688 8.72 11.75 0.875 8 28
10 16.00 1.188 1.938 12.000 10.88 14.25 1.000 12 37
12 19.00 1.250 2.188 14.375 12.88 17.00 1.000 12 59
14 21.00 1.375 2.250 15.750 14.19 18.75 1.125 12 78
16 23.50 1.438 2.500 18.000 16.19 21.25 1.125 16 101
18 25.00 1.562 2.688 19.875 18.19 22.75 1.250 16 110
20 27.50 1.688 2.875 22.000 20.19 25.00 1.250 20 139
22 29.50 1.812 3.125 24.000 22.19 27.25 1.375 20 162
24 32.00 1.875 3.250 26.125 24.19 29.50 1.375 20 197
26 34.25 2.000 3.375 28.500 26.19 31.75 1.375 24 235
28 36.50 2.062 3.438 30.750 28.19 34.00 1.375 28 269
30 38.75 2.125 3.500 32.750 30.19 36.00 1.375 28 303
32 41.75 2.250 3.625 35.000 32.19 38.50 1.625 28 375
34 43.75 2.312 3.688 37.000 34.19 40.50 1.625 32 401
36 46.00 2.375 3.750 39.250 36.19 42.75 1.625 32 452
38 48.75 2.375 3.750 41.750 38.19 45.25 1.625 32 528
40 50.75 2.500 3.875 43.750 40.19 47.25 1.625 36 573
42 53.00 2.625 4.000 46.000 42.19 49.50 1.625 36 648
44 55.25 2.625 4.000 48.000 44.19 51.75 1.625 40 688
46 57.25 2.688 4.062 50.000 46.19 53.75 1.625 40 733
48 59.50 2.750 4.125 52.250 48.19 56.00 1.625 44 799
50 61.75 2.750 4.125 54.250 50.19 58.25 1.875 44 827
52 64.00 2.875 4.250 56.500 52.19 60.50 1.875 44 922
54 66.25 3.000 4.375 58.750 54.19 62.75 1.875 44 1024
60 73.00 3.125 4.500 65.250 60.19 69.25 1.875 52 1253
66 80.00 3.375 4.875 71.500 66.19 76.00 1.875 52 1623
72 86.50 3.500 5.000 78.500 72.19 82.50 1.875 60 1922
78 93.00 3.875 5.375 84.500 78.19 89.00 2.125 64 2279
84 99.75 3.875 5.375 90.500 84.19 95.50 2.125 64 2586
90 106.50 4.250 5.750 96.750 90.19 102.00 2.438 68 3061
96 113.25 4.250 5.750 102.750 96.19 108.50 2.438 68 3432

Find the largest ready stock of AWWA C207 Class E Flanges, Check Availability of AWWA Threaded Flanges, AWWA Slip On Flanges Dealer, AWWA C207 RF Flanges Supplier, AWWA C207 Reducing Flanges Stockist, AWWA Flange Price List, AWWA Forged Flanges in Mumbai, India.

Nom Size Thickness Drilling Weight
OD Slip-On Blind Bore Bolt Circle Hole Dia No. Holes Slip-on Blind
4 9.00 0.625 0.625 4.57 7.50 0.750 8 8 11
5 10.00 0.625 0.625 5.66 8.50 0.875 8 9 14
6 11.00 0.688 0.688 6.72 9.50 0.875 8 11 19
8 13.50 0.688 0.688 8.72 11.75 0.875 8 15 28
10 16.00 0.688 0.688 10.88 14.25 1.000 12 19 39
12 19.00 0.688 0.719 12.88 17.00 1.000 12 28 58
14 21.00 0.688 0.791 14.19 18.75 1.125 12 34 78
16 23.50 0.688 0.892 16.19 21.25 1.125 16 41 110
18 25.00 0.688 0.950 18.19 22.75 1.250 16 41 132
20 27.50 0.688 1.040 20.19 25.00 1.250 20 49 175
22 29.50 0.750 1.132 22.19 27.25 1.375 20 57 219
24 32.00 0.750 1.216 24.19 29.50 1.375 20 67 277
26 34.25 0.812 1.307 26.19 31.75 1.375 24 80 341
28 36.50 0.875 1.398 28.19 34.00 1.375 28 94 414
30 38.75 0.875 1.477 30.19 36.00 1.375 28 105 493
32 41.75 0.936 1.581 32.19 38.50 1.625 28 132 613
34 43.75 0.938 1.661 34.19 40.50 1.625 32 137 707
36 46.00 1.000 1.751 36.19 42.75 1.625 32 161 824
38 48.75 1.000 1.853 38.19 45.25 1.625 32 185 980
40 50.75 1.000 1.933 40.19 47.25 1.625 36 193 1108
42 53.00 1.125 2.023 42.19 49.50 1.625 36 234 1264
44 55.25 1.125 2.114 44.19 51.75 1.625 40 249 1436
46 57.25 1.125 2.194 46.19 53.75 1.625 40 260 1600
48 59.50 1.250 2.285 48.19 56.00 1.625 44 306 1800
50 61.75 1.250 2.377 50.19 58.25 1.875 44 317 2017
52 64.00 1.250 2.468 52.19 60.50 1.875 44 339 2249
54 66.25 1.375 2.559 54.19 62.75 1.875 44 397 2499
60 73.00 1.500 2.820 60.19 69.25 1.875 52 508 3344
66 80.00 1.625 3.092 66.19 76.00 1.875 52 664 4403
72 86.50 1.750 3.353 72.19 82.50 1.875 60 802 5582
78 93.00 2.000 78.19 89.00 2.125 64 1000
84 99.75 2.000 84.19 95.50 2.125 64 1145
90 106.50 2.250 90.19 102.00 2.438 68 1404
96 113.25 2.250 96.19 108.50 2.438 68 1586
102 120.00 2.500 102.19 114.50 2.688 72 1912
108 126.75 2.500 108.19 120.75 2.688 72 2136
114 133.50 2.750 114.19 126.75 2.938 76 2525
120 140.25 2.750 120.19 132.75 2.938 76 2795
126 147.00 3.000 126.19 139.25 3.188 80 3252
132 153.75 3.000 132.19 145.75 3.188 80 3572
138 160.50 3.250 138.19 152.00 3.438 84 4101
144 167.25 3.250 144.19 158.25 3.438 84 4475
Nom Size Thickness Drilling Weight
OD Slip-On Blind Bore Bolt Circle Hole Dia No Holes Slip-on Blind
4 9.00 0.625 0.625 4.57 7.50 0.750 8 8 11
5 10.00 0.625 0.650 5.66 8.50 0.875 8 9 14
6 11.00 0.688 0.693 6.72 9.50 0.875 8 11 19
8 13.50 0.688 0.812 8.72 11.75 0.875 8 15 33
10 16.00 0.688 0.953 10.88 14.25 1.000 12 19 54
12 19.00 0.812 1.117 12.88 17.00 1.000 12 33 90
14 21.00 0.938 1.133 14.19 18.75 1.125 12 47 111
16 23.50 1.000 1.265 16.19 21.25 1.125 16 60 155
18 25.00 1.062 1.331 18.19 22.75 1.250 16 64 185
20 27.50 1.125 1.448 20.19 25.00 1.250 20 79 244
22 29.50 1.188 1.568 22.19 27.25 1.375 20 90 304
24 32.00 1.250 1.661 24.19 29.50 1.375 20 112 378
26 34.25 1.312 1.786 26.19 31.75 1.375 24 129 466
28 36.50 1.312 1.906 28.19 34.00 1.375 28 141 565
30 38.75 1.375 2.008 30.19 36.00 1.375 28 164 671
32 41.75 1.500 2.150 32.19 38.50 1.625 28 211 834
34 43.75 1.500 2.252 34.19 40.50 1.625 32 220 959
36 46.00 1.625 2.370 36.19 42.75 1.625 32 261 1116
38 48.75 1.625 2.506 38.19 45.25 1.625 32 301 1325
40 50.75 1.625 2.609 40.19 47.25 1.625 36 313 1438
42 53.00 1.750 2.729 42.19 49.50 1.625 36 364 1706
44 55.25 1.750 2.849 44.19 51.75 1.625 40 387 1935
46 57.25 1.750 2.952 46.19 53.75 1.625 40 404 2153
48 59.50 1.875 3.072 48.19 56.00 1.625 44 460 2420
50 61.75 2.000 3.196 50.19 58.25 1.875 44 507 2712
52 64.00 2.000 3.315 52.19 60.50 1.875 44 542 3021
54 66.25 2.125 3.435 54.19 62.75 1.875 44 614 3355
60 73.00 2.250 3.779 60.19 69.25 1.875 52 763 4481
66 80.00 2.500 4.136 66.19 76.00 1.875 52 1021 5890
72 86.50 2.625 4.480 72.19 82.50 1.875 60 1203 7458
78 93.00 2.750 78.19 89.00 2.125 64 1374
84 99.75 2.875 84.19 95.50 2.125 64 1646
90 106.50 3.000 90.19 102.00 2.438 68 1872
96 113.25 3.250 96.19 108.50 2.438 68 2291
102 120.00 3.250 102.19 114.50 2.688 72 2485 …….
108 126.75 3.375 108.19 120.75 2.688 72 2884
114 133.50 3.500 114.19 126.75 2.938 76 3214
120 140.25 3.500 120.19 132.75 2.938 76 3558
126 147.00 3.750 126.19 139.25 3.188 80 4065
132 153.75 3.875 132.19 145.75 3.188 80 4614 …….
138 160.50 4.000 138.19 152.00 3.438 84 5047
144 167.25 4.125 144.19 158.25 3.438 84 5680
Nom Size Thickness Drilling Weight
OD Slip-On Blind Bore Bolt Circle Hole Dia No. Holes Slip-on Blind
4 9.00 1.125 1.125 4.57 7.50 0.750 8 14 20
5 10.00 1.188 1.188 5.66 8.50 0.875 8 16 26
6 11.00 1.313 1.313 6.72 9.50 0.875 8 20 35
8 13.50 1.500 1.500 8.72 11.75 0.875 8 33 61
10 16.00 1.563 1.563 10.88 14.25 1.000 12 44 89
12 19.00 1.750 1.750 12.88 17.00 1.000 12 71 141
14 21.00 1.875 1.875 14.19 18.75 1.125 12 94 184
16 23.50 2.000 2.000 16.19 21.25 1.125 16 120 246
18 25.00 2.125 2.125 18.19 22.75 1.250 16 127 296
20 27.50 2.375 2.375 20.19 25.00 1.250 20 168 400
22 29.50 2.500 2.500 22.19 27.25 1.375 20 189 484
24 32.00 2.625 2.625 24.19 29.50 1.375 20 234 598
26 34.25 2.750 2.750 26.19 31.75 1.375 24 270 718
28 36.50 2.750 2.750 28.19 34.00 1.375 28 297 815
30 38.75 2.875 2.875 30.19 36.00 1.375 28 344 961
32 41.75 3.000 3.000 32.19 38.50 1.625 28 422 1163
34 43.75 3.000 3.050 34.19 40.50 1.625 32 441 1299
36 46.00 3.125 3.209 36.19 42.75 1.625 32 502 1511
38 48.75 3.125 3.394 38.19 45.25 1.625 32 580 1795
40 50.75 3.250 3.533 40.19 47.25 1.625 36 626 2025
42 53.00 3.375 3.695 42.19 49.50 1.625 36 701 2309
44 55.25 3.375 3.857 44.19 51.75 1.625 40 747 2715
46 57.25 3.438 3.997 46.19 53.75 1.625 40 794 2813
48 59.50 3.500 4.159 48.19 56.00 1.625 44 858 3276
50 61.75 3.500 4.327 50.19 58.25 1.875 44 887 3671
52 64.00 3.625 4.489 52.19 60.50 1.875 44 982 4091
54 66.25 3.750 4.651 54.19 62.75 1.875 44 1083 4542
60 73.00 3.875 5.116 60.19 69.25 1.875 52 1313 6066
66 80.00 4.250 5.601 66.19 76.00 1.875 52 1736 7976
72 86.50 4.375 6.066 72.19 82.50 1.875 60 2005 10099
78 93.00 4.750 78.19 89.00 2.125 64 2374
84 99.75 4.750 84.19 95.50 2.125 64 2719
90 106.50 5.125 90.19 102.00 2.438 68 3197
96 113.25 5.125 96.19 108.50 2.438 68 3613
102 120.00 5.500 102.19 114.50 2.688 72 4206
108 126.75 5.500 108.19 120.75 2.688 72 4700
114 133.50 5.875 114.19 126.75 2.938 76 5395
120 140.25 5.875 120.19 132.75 2.938 76 5972
126 147.00 6.250 126.19 139.25 3.188 80 6775
132 153.75 6.250 132.19 145.75 3.188 80 7442
138 160.50 6.750 138.19 152.00 3.438 84 8517
144 167.25 6.750 144.19 158.25 3.438 84 9295
Nom Size Thickness Drilling Weight
OD Slip-On Blind Bore Bolt Circle Hole Dia No. Holes Slip-on Blind
4 10.00 1.130 1.130 4.57 7.88 0.875 8 18 25
5 11.00 1.210 1.210 5.66 9.25 0.875 8 22 33
6 12.50 1.310 1.310 6.73 10.62 0.875 12 30 46
8 15.00 1.310 1.310 8.73 13.00 1.000 12 40 66
10 17.50 1.500 1.500 10.88 15.25 1.125 16 56 102
12 20.50 1.630 1.630 12.88 17.75 1.250 16 83 152
14 23.00 1.940 1.940 14.19 20.25 1.250 20 128 228
16 25.50 2.140 2.140 16.19 22.50 1.375 20 167 310
18 28.00 2.250 2.250 18.19 24.75 1.375 24 204 392
20 30.50 2.330 2.330 20.19 27.00 1.375 24 247 482
22 33.00 2.500 2.500 22.19 29.25 1.375 24 307 606
24 36.00 2.690 2.690 24.19 32.00 1.625 24 388 776
26 38.25 3.000 3.000 26.19 34.50 1.875 28 451 977
28 40.75 3.130 3.130 28.19 37.00 1.875 28 532 1156
30 43.00 3.150 3.166 30.19 39.25 1.875 28 586 1303
32 45.25 3.250 3.332 32.19 41.50 1.875 28 657 1518
34 47.50 3.380 3.475 34.19 43.50 1.875 28 741 1745
36 50.00 3.460 3.671 36.19 46.00 2.125 32 802 2042
38 52.25 3.500 3.815 38.19 48.00 2.125 32 874 2317
40 54.25 3.630 3.982 40.19 50.25 2.125 36 937 2608
42 57.00 3.810 4.171 42.19 52.75 2.125 36 1103 3015
44 59.25 4.000 4.338 44.19 55.00 2.125 36 1237 3388
46 61.50 4.130 4.505 46.19 57.25 2.125 40 1344 3791
48 65.00 4.500 4.781 48.19 60.75 2.125 40 1718 4494

AWWA C207 Class E Flanges Weight Chart

Standard Class Diameter Bolt Circle Diameter Number of Bolts Bolt Size Diameter of Bolt Hole
AS4087 Flanges PN14 Flanges 95 67 4 M12 14
AS 2129 Flange Table C Flanges 95 67 4 13 14
Table D Flanges 95 67 4 13 14
Table E Flanges 95 67 4 13 14
Table F Flanges 95 67 4 13 14
Table H Flanges 114 83 4 16 17
Table J Flanges 114 83 4 16 17
ANSI B16.5 Flanges ANSI 150 Flanges 89 60 4 13 16
ANSI 300 Flanges 95 67 4 13 16
ANSI 600 Flanges 95 67 4 13 16
ANSI 900 Flanges 121 83 4 19 22
ANSI 1500 Flanges 121 83 4 19 22
ISO 7005 (DIN) Flange PN6 Flanges 80 55 4 M10 11
PN10 Flanges 95 65 4 M12 14
PN16 Flanges 95 65 4 M12 14
PN20 Flanges 90 60.5 4 M14 16
PN25 Flanges 95 65 4 M12 14
PN40 Flanges 95 65 4 M12 14

AWWA C207 Flanges Pressure Ratings

ASME/ANSI B 16.36 Welding Neck Flange, Slip on Flange, Threaded Flange
PRESSURE CLASS 300, 400, 600, 900, 1500, 2500
ASME/ANSI B 16.5 Welding Neck Flange, Slip on Flange, Blind Flange, High Hub Blind Flange, Socket Weld Flange, Lap Joint Flange, Threaded Flange, Ring Type Joint Flange
PRESSURE CLASS 150, 300, 400, 600, 900, 1500, 2500
ASME/ANSI B 16.47 Welding Neck Flange, Blind Flange [Series A & B]
PRESSURE CLASS 75, 150, 300, 400, 600, 900
BS 4504 SEC 3.1 Welding Neck Flange, Hubbed Slip on Flange, Hubbed Threaded Flange, Lapped Pipe End Flange, Plate Flange, Loose Plate Flange, Loose Plate With Weld Neck Flange, Blank Flange
BS 4504[PART 1] Welding Neck Flange, Hubbed Slip-On Hubbed Threaded, Plate Flange, Loose Plate With Weld On Plate Collar, Blank Flange
BS 1560 BOSS Welding Neck Flange, Socket Welding Flange, Slip-On Flange, Blind Flange, Screwed Boss Flange, Lapped Flange
PRESSURE CLASS 150, 300, 400, 600, 900, 1500, 2500
BS10 Welding Neck Flange, Plate Slip-On Flange, Screwed Boss Flange, Slip-On Boss Flange, Blind Flange
DIN FLANGES DIN 2527, 2566, 2573, 2576, 2641,2642, 2655, 2656, 2627, 2628, 2629, 2631, 2632, 2633, 2634, 2635, 2636, 2637,2638, 2673

ASME B16.5 AWWA C207 Flanges Weights

NPS (Normal Pipe Size) 150LB 300LB 600LB 900LB 1500LB 2500LB
Weld-Neck SORF Blind Weld-Neck SORF Blind Weld-Neck SORF Blind Weld-Neck SORF Blind Weld-Neck SORF Blind Weld-Neck SORF Blind
1/2" 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 2 1500# Weight 5 4 4 7 7 7
3/4" 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 3 3 1500# Weight 6 5 6 8 8 8
1" 3 2 2 4 3 3 4 4 4 1500# Weight 9 8 8 12 11 11
1 1/2" 4 3 3 7 6 6 8 7 8 1500# Weight 13 12 13 25 22 23
2" 6 5 5 9 7 8 12 9 10 1500# Weight 25 25 25 42 37 39
2 1/2" 8 7 7 12 10 12 18 13 15 1500# Weight 36 36 35 52 55 56
3" 10 8 9 15 13 16 23 16 20 31 26 29 48 48 48 94 83 86
4" 15 13 17 25 22 27 42 37 41 53 53 54 73 73 73 145 125 130
5" 19 15 20 32 28 35 68 63 68 86 83 87 130 130 140 245 210 225
6" 24 19 26 42 39 50 81 80 86 110 110 115 165 165 160 380 325 345
8" 39 30 45 67 58 81 120 115 140 175 170 200 275 260 300 580 485 530
10" 52 43 70 91 81 124 190 170 230 260 245 290 455 435 510 1075 930 1025
12" 80 64 110 140 115 185 225 200 295 325 325 415 690 580 690 1525 1100 1300
14" 110 90 140 180 165 250 280 230 355 400 400 520 940 NA 975 NA NA NA
16" 140 98 180 250 190 295 390 330 495 495 425 600 1250 NA 1300 NA NA NA
18" 150 130 220 320 250 395 475 400 630 680 600 850 1625 NA 1750 NA NA NA
20" 180 165 285 400 315 505 590 510 810 830 730 1075 2050 NA 2225 NA NA NA
22" 225 185 355 465 370 640 720 590 1000 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
24" 260 220 430 580 475 790 830 730 1250 1500 1400 2025 3325 NA 3625 NA NA NA

AWWA Flanges Tolerances

Ring type SORF and BLRF flanges HUB type SORF
Outside Daimeter <=24" +/- 0.6"(1.6 millimeter) Outside Daimeter <=24" +/- 0.6"(1.6 millimeter)
>24" +/- .12"(3.2 millimeter) >24" +/- .12"(3.2 millimeter)
Inside Daimeter Soket-weld 10" and Samller
+.03"(0.8 millimeter),-0"
Inside Daimeter 10" and Samller +.03"(0.8 millimeter)
SORF and
Lap-Joint Flange
12" and Larger
+.06"(1.6 millimeter),-0"
12"-18" +/-.06"(1.6 millimeter)
20"-42" +.12"(3.2 millimeter)
+.06"(1.6 millimeter)
Outside Daimeter of Hub <=12" +.09"(2.4 millimeter),
-.06"(1.6 millimeter)
Dia. of
Contact Face
0.06" RF +/-.03"(0.8 millimeter)
14"-42" +/-.12"(3.2 millimeter)
Dia. of Contact face 0.06" RF +/- .03"(0.8 millimeter) Dia. of Hub at base X<=24" +/-.06"(1.6 millimeter)
X>24" +/-.12"(3.2 millimeter)
Dia. of Contact face <=10" +.03"(0.8 millimeter),
Diameter of Hub at point of Welding <=5" +.09"(2.4 millimeter),
-.03"(0.8 millimeter)
12"-42" +.06"(1.6 millimeter),
>=6" +.16"(4.0 millimeter),
-.03"(0.8 millimeter)
Drilling Awwa c207 Bolt Circle 1/2"-24"
Awwa c207 Drilling Awwa c207 Bolt Circle 1/2"-24"
+/-.06"(1.6 millimeter)
+/-.06"(1.6 millimeter)
Bolt hole
+/-.03"(0.8 millimeter)
Bolt hole
+/-.03"(0.8 millimeter)
Eccentricity of Bolt circle with respect to bore .03" Max.
(0.8 millimeter)
Eccentricity of Bolt circle with respect to bore .03" Max.
(0.8 millimeter)
Thick. 18"& Small +.12"(3.2 millimeter),-0" Thick. 18"& Small +.12"(3.2 millimeter),-0"
20"-42" +.19"(1.6 millimeter) 20"-42" +.19"(1.6 millimeter)
Length NPT Hub <=10" +/-.06"(1.6 millimeter) Length NPT Hub <=10" +/-.06"(1.6 millimeter)
12"-42" +/1.12"(3.2 millimeter) 12"-42" +/1.12"(3.2 millimeter)

AWWA Flanges Bolt Torque Specs

Normal Pipe Size
Gasket Weight Table
Approx. Bolt Torque2
4 350 0.3 100
6 350 0.4 150
8 350 0.5 150
10 350 0.8 200
12 350 1.0 200
14 350 1.1 250
16 350 1.3 250
18 350 1.3 300
20 350 1.5 300
24 350 1.8 400
30 250 2.4 400
36 250 2.7 500
42 250 4.6 500
48 250 5.8 500
54 250 6.8 600
60 250 8.0 600
643 250 12.5 600

Best quality AWWA Flanges, View Specification Of AWWA Orifice Flange, AWWA C207 Groove Flange, AWWA C207 Class F Weldoflange, AWWA RTJ Flange, AWWA Flanges Facing Type & Finish, AWWA Square Flange, AWWA  Flanges Price, AWWA Nipoflange, AWWA C207 langes Raised Face, AWWA Expander Flanges at Best Price.

AWWA Flanges Applications

Australia, Afghanistan, Algeria, Angola, Argentina, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Benin,
Bhutan, Botswana, Brazil, Brunei, Burkina Faso, Cambodia, Cameroon, Canada, Central Africa Republic,
Chad, Chile, Colombia, Cuba, Cyprus, DRC, Djibouti, Egypt, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Eswatini,
Ethiopia, Fiji, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Ghana, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Indonesia, Iran,
Iraq, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Lebanon,
Lesotho, Liberia, Libya, Lithuania, Madagascar, Malawi, Malaysia, Maldives, Mali, Mexico, Morocco,
Mozambique, Mauritania, Myanmar, Namibia, Nepal, Netherlands, New Zealand, Nigeria, Norway, Oman,
Panama, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Palestine, Qatar, Russia, Rwanda, Romania, Saudi Arabia,
Senegal, Sierra Leone, Singapore, Slovakia, Somalia, South Africa, South Korea, South Sudan, Spain,
Sri Lanka, Sweden, Switzerland, Syria, Taiwan, Tajikistan, Tanzania, Tasmania, Thailand, The Gambia,
Timor-Leste, Togo, Tunisia, Turkey, Turkiye, Turkmenistan, Uganda, Uzbekistan, United Arab Emirates (UAE),
United Kingdom (UK), United States (US), Venezuela, Vietnam, Yemen, Zambia, Zimbabwe

Abu Dhabi, Amsterdam, Abuja, Accra, Addis Ababa, Ahmedabad, Algiers, Amman, Ankara, Antananarivo,
Ashgabat, Asmara, Astana, Athens, Baghdad, Baku, Bamako, Bandar Seri Begawan, Bangkok, Bangui,
Banjul, Beirut, Bengaluru, Berlin, Bishkek, Bloemfontein, Bogotá, Bern, Brasília, Bratislava,
Bucharest, Budapest, Buenos Aires, Cairo, Canberra, Cape Town, Caracas, Chennai, Coimbatore, Dakar,
Damascus, Dhaka, Dili, Djibouti city, Dodoma, Doha, Dublin, Dushanbe, Freetown, Gaborone, Ghaziabad,
Guwahati, Hanoi, Harare, Havana, Helsinki, Hobart, Hyderabad, Indore, Jaipur, Jakarta, Jerusalem,
Juba, Jurong East, Kabul, Kampala, Kanpur, Kathmandu, Kigali, Kinshasa, Kochi, Kolkata, Kuala Lumpur,
Kuwait City, Lisbon, Lilongwe, Lima, Lobamba, Lomé, London, Luanda, Lucknow, Lusaka, Malabo, Madrid,
Malé, Mexico City, Manama, Moscow, Manila, Maputo, Maseru, Mbabane, Mogadishu, Monrovia, Mumabi,
Muscat, Nagpur, Nairobi, New Delhi, Niamey, Nicosia, Noida, Nouakchott, N’Djamena, Oslo, Ottawa,
Ouagadougou, Panama City, Paris, Patna, Phnom Penh, Porto-Novo, Pretoria, Pune, Rabat, Reykjavík,
Riyadh, Rome, Sana’a, Santiago, Sri Jayawardenepura Kotte, Stockholm, Seoul, Singapore, Surat,
Suva, Taipei City, Tashkent, Tokyo, Tbilisi, Tehran, Thimphu, Tripoli, Tunis, Vientiane, Vilnius,
Visakhapatnam, Warsaw, Washington D.C., Wellington, Windhoek, Yaoundé, Yerevan, Naypyidaw

AWWA Flanges Price

Omaa Metal Sources is AWWA Flanges Exporters and Suppliers in the US, UK, South Africa, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, UAE, Oman, South Korea, Turkey, Bahrain, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand, Norway, Indonesia, Iraq, Yemen, Bangladesh, Nigeria, Egypt, Peru, Ghana, Morocco, Etc.

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